Rod Campbell
Rod Campbell is the research director at the Australia Institute.
An economist by background, Rod’s work often focuses on the economics of fossil fuel industries, he has published numerous landmark reports, as well as articles in peer-reviewed journals and he has appeared as an expert witness in major court cases and planning processes. Other areas of research include the management of the Murray Darling Basin, economic assessment of infrastructure projects and the role of economic modelling in policy and planning processes.
Away from court and parliamentary hearings, Rod has enjoyed sharing his research with communities around Australia, from Perth to Brisbane, Tennant Creek, Broken Hill and many trips to the Hunter Valley and other regions. Rod and his research have appeared in media as diverse as the ABC, News Limited papers, the Allan Jones Show, Sky after Dark, and Chinese Government television.
Rod speaks Japanese, Mandarin and Portuguese and is currently based in Melbourne.
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Glenn Connley Senior Media Adviser